Clarification Text on Protection and Processing of Personal Data

This website is operated by"Website"), XXX XXX Private company ("Company"), which includes food products. This privacy policy covers only the information collected on this website and does not cover any information collected offline by By Tree. All By Tree websites are covered by this privacy policy. Persons who visit and/or use this website in any way (“User”) must read this Privacy Policy before using the Website.

Except for personal data belonging to users and accessed and/or obtained by the Company; The statistical data of the transactions made by the users on the Website are analyzed and stored by the Company.

The Company does not share the information sent to it by the Users through membership forms or otherwise with third parties, except for the cases specified in the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, and does not use or transfer to third parties for any commercial purposes other than the purposes specified in the Privacy and Data Protection Policy. .

The website content uses Google Analytics and Facebook's Remarketing & Demographics and Interest Reporting features. Users can opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and Facebook and customize Google Display Network ads using the ad settings.

The demographic information provided to the Company by Google Analytics and Facebook is used by the Company to customize the Website and, if any, the advertisements given on the Website according to the interests of the Users. While this information is used in target audience studies, it may be shared with the advertising publishers, together with the information of other Users, within the scope of the provisions of the Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy. This information does not contain any personal data and is used as a group to work on user trends and to identify the target audience. Users consent to the sharing of anonymous information with advertising publishers for advertising and promotional purposes.

Personal data and confidential information of users; however, it will be disclosed to the official authorities if requested by the official authorities and in cases where a statement has to be made in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force.

User credit card information requested on the payment page is never kept on the servers of the Website or third companies providing services in order to keep the security of Users shopping on the Website at the highest level. In this way, it is ensured that all transactions for payment take place between the relevant bank and the device the User is using through the Web Site interface.

The user accepts and declares that the information he/she shares with the Company belongs to him/her.

Sending e-mail by clicking the link at the bottom of the e-mails sent within the framework of e-bulletin and electronic message subscription or by leaving the "I want to be informed about the campaigns and opportunities" option from the "Update Membership Information" field in the "My Account" section of the Website. You can always exit the list.

Our company reserves the right to make any changes it deems necessary in all its policies, in the products, services, opportunities and campaigns it will offer to its customers and users; These changes will become effective as soon as they are announced by our Company on the Website or by other appropriate methods.

For the security of the information provided by the users and/or our Website members to the Company or acquired by the Company, and of all transactions realized through the Website, our Company or the relevant institution may use technological facilities and cost factors in the systems and Web infrastructure, depending on the nature of the information and transaction. Appropriate technical and administrative measures have been taken.

In your use of the Website (if any), all credit card transactions and approvals are carried out between you and the relevant bank or card institutions independently of our Company, and information such as credit card passwords cannot be seen or recorded by our Company.

The information entered for the purpose of membership in the Web Site, purchasing products (if any) and updating information, and confidential information about credit and debit cards cannot be viewed by other Web Site users.


With this Clarification Text, your personal data that you have provided to the XXX XXXX Private company (“Company”) is covered by the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“Law”) and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Complied with in Fulfilling the Clarification Obligation (“Communiqué”). It is aimed to inform you that it can be processed by the company as specified in this information text and limited to the stated purposes, and that it can be transferred to the following persons in the country and abroad.

Your personal data, which is fully or partially obtained by our Company through automatic means, may be processed by our Company in the light of the general principles set forth in the Law and the Communiqué and within the personal data processing conditions specified in the Law, limited to the purposes set forth in this text.

Our Company collects information about advertisements based on past visits to the Web Site by Users, optimizing and publishing advertisements, providing a user-friendly experience on the Web Site, ensuring the development and proper functioning of the Web Site, Ensuring the improvement of the services and products of . To obtain statistical information and to compile this information, to develop the commercial activities of the Company, to carry out campaigns and marketing activities, to carry out special promotional activities, According to the company, conducting target audience studies, completing the membership procedures of the requested Users, working to provide the most appropriate service to the customers by getting to know the customers better, carrying out sales and marketing activities, providing appropriate notifications in all kinds of communication tools, Carrying out the necessary work for the users to benefit from the services and services, customizing the products and services offered according to the tastes, usage habits and needs of the customers and recommending them to the customers, conducting one-to-one and/or integrated marketing activities, performing sales and after-sales operations, confirming the identity information, contacting the Users who have filled in the contact form on the Website and sent it to us, It will be limited to the purposes of taking the necessary actions to fulfill their requests, fulfilling the orders of the customers who shop, and communicating with the said persons within the scope of their orders.

According to the Communiqué and the Law, (i) it is clearly stipulated in the laws, (ii) the person who is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or whose consent is not given legal validity is mandatory for the protection of himself or another person's life or bodily integrity, (iii) the conclusion of a contract Provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, (iv) it is necessary for the Company to fulfill its legal obligation, (v) it has been made public by the person concerned, (vi) the establishment and exercise of a right or protection of the data, (vii) data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the person concerned, and (viii) legal reasons of your explicit consent, the Company will not process your personal data, personal data specified in the Law. within the scope of processing conditions and purposes and for the purposes specified in this text.

Personal data you provide to the Company; In line with the above-mentioned purposes, the Company's domestic or foreign subsidiaries, affiliates, group companies, shareholders, business partners, successors, services and activities and ancillary services of the Company, with which it cooperates, operating in the country and / or abroad. program partner organizations, legally authorized public institutions and organizations, legally authorized private legal persons, legal and tax consultants, banks, independent auditors and service providers with whom it cooperates in order to carry out their commercial activities, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in the Law.< /p>

Your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law "regulating the rights of the person concerned" can be submitted in writing in accordance with the 1st paragraph of Article 13 of the Law and in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller, or in writing to a registered e-mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature, or by using your e-mail address previously notified to the Company and registered in the Company's system (You can reach the Company via e-mail address: or developed for application purposes. You can forward it to the Company through a software or application.

For your information.

Safe Shopping

Our website uses encryption technology such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to protect your personal information during data transfer. SSL encrypts order information such as your name, address and credit card number. Our Customer Service center also operates over a private, secure network. Please note that email is not encrypted and is not considered a secure way to transmit credit card information.


A cookie is a small file that requests permission to be placed on your computer's hard drive. When you accept, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or notifies you when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you individually. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by collecting and remembering information about your preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to determine which pages are being used. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and tailor our website to customer needs. We use this information for statistical analysis purposes only and the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not use. A cookie in no way allows us to access your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually change your browser settings to reject cookies if you wish. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

A "web beacon" or "pixel tag" or "clear gif" is a single-pixel image typically used to relay information from your computer or mobile device to a website.

We use cookies and web beacons to keep track of what's in your shopping cart and to remember you when you return to the website, and to identify the pages you clicked on during your visit to our site and the name of the website. Visited the By Tree website just before he clicked it. We use this information to improve our site design, product range, customer service and special promotions. Of course, you can disable cookies and web beacons on your computer by specifying this in your browser's preferences or options menus. However, if you disable cookies, some parts of our website may not work properly. We may also use web beacons and other technologies to help monitor our communications reach you, measure their activity, or collect certain non-personal information about your computer, device or browser so we can design better. future communication.

We may contract with third parties who may use cookies and web beacons and collect information on our behalf or provide services such as credit card processing, shipping, promotional services or data management. We call them Customer Support Partners. These third parties are prohibited by agreement with them from sharing this information with others from us or our other Customer Support Partners.

Account Creation

You can register at to make online shopping faster and easier. As a registered customer, you only need to enter your shipping addresses and billing information once; will be securely stored with us for your future use. Using your name and a password of your choice, you can access your account online at any time to add, delete or change information. If you are using a public computer, we strongly recommend that you Log out when you have finished shopping. Your information will still be stored with us, but will not be accessible by anyone other than that computer.


You will only receive promotional emails when you have been asked to receive emails from us. If you do not wish to receive e-mails from By Tree or its affiliates, you can click the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any e-mail communication sent by us. Please allow 3 business days from the date of receipt of the request for the removal to complete, as some of our promotions may already be in process before you submit your request.

The information here has been added in order to provide communication when necessary in accordance with the "Law on the regulation of broadcasts made on the Internet and combating crimes committed through these broadcasts" dated 04.05.2007 and numbered 5651. Please use when necessary. If necessary, you can contact us via the contact form.


The collections, products, catalog pictures and logos published on the site belong to the brand owners.

Our site aims to respect the law, laws, copyrights and personal rights.

Our site serves as a "Location Provider" defined in the law no. 5651.

According to the relevant law, the site administration has no obligation to control illegal content.

For this reason, our site has adopted the "Warn and Remove" principle.

Right holders or professional associations who think that the copyrighted works are shared illegally and that their legal rights are violated can contact us via the e-mail address


This section covers the content of and the legal notices regarding the use of this content. These legal notices can be changed by without prior notice.

General Warnings

1. This site belongs to and is operated by The URL address is and will be referred to as the site from now on.

2. All rights reserved.

3. Other product or service brands and company titles belonging to third parties on this site are solely owned by the relevant third parties, and these brands and company titles may be registered in the name of their owners. In case of unauthorized use of these third-party brand or company titles, legal responsibility belongs to the user.

4. The name rights, content, template, design of this site, all documents, documents, information, data, articles, programs, etc. in the site. rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to copy or reproduce all or part of this site in any form and medium, or to publish it on another site or media, or to move it to another place, without the written permission of

5. Users and Members agree and undertake that they will abide by all warnings on the site, the terms and conditions set by regarding the use of the site, and the applicable legislation. Users and Members may use the services provided on the site for their personal purposes and, where permitted, for commercial purposes, provided that all intellectual (copyright) and industrial property rights arising from the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works and related statutory decrees belong to they can use.

Site Content

This site consists of the following content components.

1. logo and slogan.

2. Content created by and presented to users or members.

3. Content provided to users by third parties.

4. Content provided by sponsors, advertisers, and providers of goods/services.

5. Data entry, sending messages, uploading files, etc. by Users and Members. content provided by means.

6. Software codes and interactive areas developed by or procured from third parties for the purpose of presenting the content.

Legal Notices

1. The site content on the site itself is prepared by the administrators of, within the framework of scientific principles and ethical rules, with the aim of high quality and absolute public benefit. Despite this, does not contain any articles, documents, articles, information, software etc. on this site. does not guarantee the absolute accuracy, suitability, reliability, or novelty of any and all materials and other materials presented.

2. The owner of intellectual property (copyright) rights regarding all kinds of writings, reports, articles, news, documents, documents, etc., obtained by obtaining written permissions from third parties and made available to the User and Members on the site, is the owner of the real or is a legal person. In cases where the name of the author is not mentioned, these rights belong to Users and Members declare and undertake that they accept all kinds of restrictions and conditions imposed by the author regarding such writing, report, article, news, document, document etc. information to be obtained from third parties. Reports, articles, articles, opinions, news, etc. from third parties. The third party providing the said information is personally responsible for the content of this information received and presented. In this context, the responsibility for the thoughts and expressions of third parties on the site belongs to the owner of the thought and expression, and has no responsibility for these thoughts and expressions. does not guarantee the absolute accuracy, suitability, reliability and novelty of any documents, documents, information and other materials provided by third parties.

3. The provisions specified in the second article also apply to all kinds of articles, reports, articles, news, documents, documents, etc. information and materials provided by sponsors, advertisers and third parties on the site as goods and service providers.

4. takes care to only provide links to "third party Web Sites", which comply with its own standards and applicable legal regulations, via However, the content of these "third party Web Sites" to which the link is provided, can be changed without notice from, as these sites are not controlled by has no obligation to notify such changes, and is not responsible for such changes. All kinds of documents, documents, information and materials on this site and third party sites are provided 'as is', and and third parties regarding these documents, documents, information and materials. makes no warranties of any kind, express or implied (including accuracy, accuracy, reliability, uninterrupted operation).

5. Data entry, sending messages, uploading files, etc. by Users or Members. Responsibility for all kinds of information, documents, documents, software, materials and content (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Content") belongs to the User or Member providing this Content. The user or Member who provides the Content in these ways, without prejudice to the terms of the agreement to be made on this Content, on the provision of service procurement or provision, to "free of charge, indefinitely, non-exclusively, transferable and not subject to any limitation". agrees and undertakes to authorize use. Within the scope of this usage authorization, shall have the right to process, copy, reproduce, distribute to third parties, make changes without the need for permission, and publish it on the site. In addition, users and Members may make use of such Content that is false, misleading, perverted, inaccurate, unfairly competitive, profane, vulgar, vulgar, vulgar, hateful, abusive, obscene, obscene, obscene, abusive. They accept and undertake that they will not contain elements that are sexual, threatening, offensive, defamatory, harming individual privacy, racist, disrespectful to human-moral-religious values, advocating illegal activities, unlawful or that may constitute a crime.

6. believes that the functions contained in the information, documents, documents and materials presented on the site, including software codes developed by itself or obtained from third parties, will continue uninterruptedly or will be free of errors, problems will be resolved or forum areas makes no guarantee that this site is free of viruses or other harmful elements, including interactive areas such as

7. To the extent permitted by the current legislation, does not give any express or implied warranties, including fitness for a particular purpose, uninterrupted continuity, updating, functionality, accuracy, and error-free, within the scope of the services offered on this site.

8., access to the site and use of the site, downloading any content, image or software on the site, etc. It is not responsible for any damages (including data loss) that may occur on the computers or other devices of the User and Members due to reasons.

9. The relevant User/Member is personally responsible for all kinds of damages, including data loss, loss of profit, interruption of business, that may arise from the use of information, documents, documents, software, materials, content and all kinds of materials on this site. Users and Members agree and undertake that they will not claim compensation from for such damages arising from use. By using this service, the User and Members are deemed to have accepted to bear all the necessary maintenance, repair or correction costs. The relevant User or Member will be responsible for any damages (including violation of intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties) that may arise due to the use of the content of this site by the User or Members contrary to the law or the terms and conditions on this site.

10. All Users and Members benefiting from this site are deemed to have accepted the above provisions unconditionally. Users and Members who do not accept these terms cannot benefit from the services offered on the site. In addition to these articles, members are also obliged to comply with the terms and conditions of the Membership Agreement on the site.

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